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Moons & Moods: Full Moon Connection & Honouring Ritual

Updated: Jul 22, 2021

The full moon brings a high-powered energy and can create heightened emotions to make us feel a little out of control, that combined with the Lunar eclipse and we are really in for a ride.

Often the moons light can often shine on our hidden emotions or fears and may awaken problems we have tried to bury in our shadow side.

This ritual helps is connect and embrace the intense energy and turn it into something positive.

You will need:

  • Frankincense Resin

  • Dried Rose Petals

  • Ground Cinnamon

  • Thyme

  • Mortar & Pestle

  • Charcoal

  • Fireproof dish

The only steps for this ritual is to think of all the things you are grateful for, the things that no longer serve you and what you'd like to replace that with. Grind all the ingredients up to a fine powder and burn them over the charcoal disc. Releasing all of your thoughts, intentions and intense energy into the universe.

As you do so, thank the moon for her guiding light and for all that she does.

By the next full moon you should see some shifts, whether that's your intentions working away or you've been able to release anything unwanted.

Happy Full Moon Goddesses.

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