Under the light of the Scorpio Full Moon
I cast this spell, my intentions in tune
With the power of water, the depths of my soul
I summon transformation, making me whole
I release my fears, my doubts, and my pain
As I cut the cords that hold me in vain
I forgive myself and others too
Making space for love, and beginnings anew
I embrace my shadows, my power within
Letting go of patterns that no longer fit in
I trust in the journey, the cycles of life
As I navigate through the darkness and strife
With this candle, I ignite my desire
To rise from the ashes, a phoenix on fire
I claim my strength, my passion, my truth
As I embark on this path of endless growth
Scorpio Full Moon, hear my plea
Transform me, heal me, set me free
I am ready to face my deepest fears
And emerge victorious, shedding old tears
As I will it, so mote it be
The magic of the Moon, infused in me
I am transformed, empowered, and bold
A new chapter of my life now unfolds